We are pleased to offer the Complete Classroom Incubation Kit. This kit will offer the teachers everything they need for a successful hatch. The kit comes equipped with Lyon_s well-known and proven Marsh TX-6 incubator with the see-through dome for easy egg observation during hatching. The incubator also incorporates a solid state temperature control, wet and dry bulb thermometers, 18-egg turning ring for chicken eggs and our AT-3 hands-free automatic egg turner with continuous turn.
Turn-X is a functional table top incubator with modern, precise solid state temperature control. All major parts are made of plastic for easy cleaning. Turn-X Incubators have a clear see-through dome for egg observation during hatching. Fan powered circulating air provides a constant air flow to all parts of the incubator. Temperature control adjustment, humidity adjustment and egg turning can be performed without opening the incubator. TX6 is ideal for the hobbyist and school projects.
A) Dome
B) Base
C) Mini Brooder with legs
D) Cardboard Chick Confinement Ring
E) Sanitary 7-hole Chick Feeder
F) A Drown-proof Chick Waterer
G) Water Fountain Bottle & Nut
H) Standard Egg Candler
I) 6 Extra Wicks
J) AT3 Turner
K) In An Egg Shell (Book)
L) Hatching Manual
Complete instructions
Reusable Storage Box